12:61:00 00-00-50 water soluble fertiliser


12:61:00 : Mono Ammonium Phosphate ( Water Soluble Fertiliser )

Introduction :

12-61-00 provides tree seedlings with the proper rate of nitrogen, phosphorus  for good root development. MAP 12-61-00 is recommended for direct use at the beginning of the growing season, when phosphorus availability is crucial for the establishment of the root system. MAP can be tank-mixed with other nutrients, apart from Ca/Mg, to meet nutritional needs throughout the crop cycle.

12-61-00 MAP Mono Ammonium Phosphate water Soluble fertiliser

MAP 12-61-00 (Imported 100 % Water Soluble Drip Fertilizer)

Benefits  – – Mono Ammonium Phosphate 

•    water-soluble fertilizer containing the highest phosphorus (p) content available
•    can be applied with all water-soluble fertilizers except calcium based fertilizers
•   useful for uniform bumper and healthy flowering
•    having nitrogen in ammonical (nh4) and offers better control for n-availability
•    is virtually free from chloride, sodium & other harmful elements for plants

 Spray Recommendations : 5-6 gm / Lit of water for Fruit crops / Vegetables / Kharif – Rabi crops