Zinc Chelate

Zinc Chelate

Introduction :

Chelated Zinc plays an important role in the utilization of other plant nutrients. Deficiencies commonly occur in sandy soils, soils low in organic matter or where phosphates have been excessively applied. Depending on the crop, zinc deficiencies can be corrected by soil or foliar applications.

Micronutrient Chelated  Zinc 9.0 is specially designed to
balance and fix zinc deficiency in plant and soil. Its Nanotized
molecules penetrate and absorb deeper in foliar and soil particles
at a much faster rate than regular micro size zinc particles.
Micronutrient Chelated  Zinc 9.0 delivers essential
micronutrient Zinc more than twice as fast to fix the problem with
the plant and soil very rapidly. Micronutrient Chelated Liquid Zinc
9.0 is a first choice when applied as a foliar spray.


Mixing with UAN and other liquid fertilizer solutions:
Liquid Zinc 9.0 may be mixed in any ratio with 28% or 32% low salt
urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) solutions.


Generally, no more than a ½ gallon of Liquid Zinc 9.0 should be
added to 10 gallons of clear liquid mixed fertilizers such as 9-18-9,
14-36-12 or 8-16-8. Chelated Liquid Zinc 9.0 can be applied by itself
or diluted with water, and it is not recommended to be applied
directly on seed prior to planting. Always check compatibility with
other products prior to use. Do not mix with liquid fertilizers high in
orthophosphate or high salt base liquid fertilizers.


Corn, Soybeans, Sorghum, Cotton, Sugar Beets, Wheat, and other
field crops that have a medium to high response to zinc.
Mix Chelated Zinc 9.0 at 20-24 oz. per acre.